Instructor: Checklist

1. Locate: Checklist tool

Find the Checklist tool in Course Admin and Content.

A checklist is an interactive to-do list that allows students to check off each item as they complete them. A checklist may list all the items that need to be completed or new items might appear as other items are checked off. Items on a checklist are organized into one or more categories.

Checklists can be accessed several ways -- 

  • through Content by selecting Upload/Create and New Checklist in the action menu -- this allows you to create the Checklist directly in the Module of your choosing.To add a checklist directly within a Module in Content, click Create/Upload and select New Checklist from the action menu.
  • through the Checklists tool in Course Admin --  this allows you to view all Checklists you've created and create new Checklists before linking them within a Module in Content.
    1. Select Course Admin.
    2. Select Checklists. Course Admin menu with Checklists link circled.


  • If you'd like students to have access to all checklists via the Checklist tool, you can add a link on your course's navbar.


2. Create: A Checklist

Create a new checklist in your course from Content or Course Admin.

Creating a new checklist from Content.

  1. Select Content and choose the Module in which you would like to add a checklist.
  2. Select Upload/Create and select New Checklist from the action menu.Select the module you would like to add the checklist to, click Upload/Create, and select New Checklist.
  3. Give the checklist a Title.Give a title to the Checklist in the text box.
  4. Optional: Enter instructions or a description for students to refer to as they use this checklist.
  5. Select Save
  6. On the next screen, click Add a New List and give the list a name -- this list should be considered like a "category" or "section" of your overall checklist. You can use a single list or choose to separate items into multiple lists.Click Add a New List to add a category or section to your checklist in which items will be organized.
  7. To add items to this list, select Add a New Task.Click Add a New Task to create a new item for this list
  8. Give each new task a title.Click on the task to give each new task a title.
  9. Optional: You can also give each task an individual due date and a description -- this due date will appear in the Calendar and is separate from the dates you have attached to any activities within the Assignments, Quizzes, and Discussions tools. Consider using the Insert Quicklink icon to link directly to the materials students will need in Content or to the activities in Assignments, Discussions, etc. the checklist item refers to.
Optional features for each new task include due dates, a description, and using the Insert Quicklink icon to insert links to materials students will need to complete the task.


Create a new checklist from Course Admin.

  1. Select New Checklist.Click New Checklist to create a new checklist in the Checklist tool
  2. Enter a Name for the new checklist. Optional: provide a description or instructions for students to refer to as they use the checklist in the Description field.Type a name for your checklist in the Name text field.
  3. Select Save to save the new checklist. This brings you to the Edit Checklist page.
  4. On the Edit Checklist page, select New Category. Each item you create must belong to a category. You can create a single category for all items in the checklist or separate items into multiple categories. Click New Category to create the category or categories your items will be organized into.
  5. Give the category a name. Select Save -- this will take you back to the Edit Checklist page. Type a name for the category in the Name text field.
  6. Select New Item.Click New Item to create a new item in your checklist.
  7. On the New Item page, select a category for the item in the Category drop-down list. If you need to create a new category,  select New Category.Select an existing category from the dropdown list or select New Category to create a new category.
  8. Give the item a Name. Optional: Provide a description of the item and set a due date by selecting the Due Date check box and selecting or typing the appropriate date and time. If you'd like this due date to appear in the course Calendar for students, select the Display in Calendar check box.Item settings allow you to provide a description for the item, give the item a due date, and to display this due date in the Calendar.
  9. Select Save to save the new item or Save and New to save it and create another item.
  10. When you are finished creating items, select Save and Close from the Edit Checklist page.

3. Preview: Your Checklist

Preview a checklist to see how it will appear for your course participants from the Checklist tool.

  1. Select the down arrow to the right of the checklist to preview.
  2. Select Preview in a new windowClick Preview in a new window from the action menu to view your checklist as students will see it.
  3. A pop up window will appear. Once you have finished previewing the checklist, select Close to exit preview mode.

4. Modify: Your Checklist

Modify checklist properties, categories, or items from the Checklist tool.

  1. Select the down arrow to the right of the checklist you wish to modify and select Edit from the action menu.
  2. On the Edit Checklist page, make the changes you want to the Checklist Properties area.
  3. You can also edit Categories and Items. Select the name of a category or item to edit settings for that category or item.Screenshot of the Edit Checklist screen with a category and item circled.
  4. Make your changes, then select Save to return to the Edit Checklist page.
  5. Select Save to save your changes and remain in the checklist, or Save and Close to save your changes and return to the main checklist page.

5. Edit: Multiple Items on a Checklist

Bulk edit items on your checklist.

  1. Click the down arrow to the right of the checklist you wish to modify, and select Edit from the action menu.
  2. Select the items you wish to edit (check boxes to the left), or select the checkbox above/below the table to select all items.
  3. Select the Edit icon. Screenshot of Checklist items selected with the Edit icon circled.


  4. Make your changes, then select Save to return to the Edit Checklist page.
  5. Select Save to save your changes and remain in the checklist, or Save and Close to save your changes and return to the main checklist page.

6. Reorder: Your Checklists

Change the order in which your checklists appear.

  1. Select More Actions.
  2. Choose Reorder in the action menu. Screenshot of More Actions dropdown with Reorder circled.


  3. Change the values in the Sort Order column.
  4. Select Save.

7. Reorder: Categories or Items Within a Checklist

Change the order of your categories or items.

  1. Select the down arrow to the right of the checklist you wish to modify and select Edit from the action menu.
  2. Under Categories and Items, choose Reorder.Screenshot of editing items and categories with Reorder circled.


  3. Change the values in the Sort Order column.
  4. Select Save to return to the Edit Checklist page.
  5. Select Save to save your changes and remain in the checklist, or Save and Close to save your changes and return to the main checklist page.

8. Delete: A Checklist

Permanently delete one or more checklists.

  1. On the Checklists page, select Delete from the More Actions menu. Screenshot of More Actions dropdown with Delete circled.


  2. Select the checklist(s) you want to delete (check boxes to the left), and select Delete Selected.

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