Instructors: Digication

Digication is an ePortfolio tool that allows students to showcase their work online. ePortfolios are shareable to the public and are accessible to students beyond their time at UArizona.

1. Create: Link to Digication in your course site

Provide a link to Digication within Content.

Note: If your course site uses the default navbar, Digication is accessible from the UA Tools menu.

  1. From the navigation bar in your course site, choose UA Tools and Digication.UA Tools to Digication

However, instructors can also provide students with a link in Content to create and view students' Digication ePortfolios within D2L.

  1. Within any module in Content, choose Existing Activities and External Learning Tools.External Learning Tools
  2. Locate and choose Digication ePortfolio.Digication ePortfolio
  3. A link will have been created in the Content module called "Digication ePortfolio". Click on it to access the course's ePortfolios. This link will be available to students to view links to classmates' ePortfolios as well.Digication External Learning Tool in Content

2. Learn: Building and sharing templates

Create and share a template with your class. Students will then build their own individual ePortfolios from the template. Use the following resources to build and share Digication templates with your course.

  1. Adding a Template to a Course
    Create an ePortfolio to use as a template and share it with students in the course.
  2. Setting Sections as Instructions
    Add instructional sections to your template before it is shared with the course.
  3. Managing Your Template Library

3. Learn: Using Digication in your course

Use the following resources to learn more and to troubleshoot within Digication.

  1. Faculty Guide
    Browse here for instructions on creating an ePortfolio template for the course, adding content, sharing templates, assessment and more. Choose Submit a Request if you are unable to find what you are looking for.

  2. Supported Browsers and Operating Systems (OS) 
    Consider browser and OS issues if you are encountering a problem. We recommend Chrome and Firefox internet browsers.