Note: Course sites are activated (made visible to students), 7 days prior to the start of the semester at around noon. Any course created within 7 days of the start date is automatically activated.
1. Create: New D2L Course Sites for UA Courses
Instructors must create new sites every semester for their credit-bearing courses.
Note: Course sites are activated (made visible to students), 7 days prior to the start of the semester at around noon. Any course created within 7 days of the start date is automatically activated.
Creating new sites every semester ensures that student enrollment processes correctly and that sections are configured as needed. Instructors cannot "repurpose" old course sites. The option to copy content from a prior course is available during the initial request or at a later time.
Create a course site for an upcoming term using the Course Site Request (CSR) tool:
Note: To create a course site, you must be listed as the primary instructor in UAccess. If your course is not available in CSR, please contact your department to verify your status as primary instructor.
- Go to
- Scroll down to the Instructor Resources Brightspace area.
- Select Course Site Request Tool (CSR).
Note: If you cannot see the link, navigate directly to the CSR tool.
- Login with your UA NetID and password.
- Select Create a D2L site for your (credit-bearing) courses. Must do every term.
- Select the correct term from the dropdown menu.
- Enter the number of course sites you wish to create.
- Select Continue.
- Select and hold down on the handle (white, located to the left of the course title). Drag the course to the drop field (right-hand column). You can also drag individual sections by clicking and holding down on the handle (blue, located to the left of the section name).
- Select Continue.
- The next screen is a confirmation screen. If you do not wish to copy a course from a previous semester, select Build. If you do wish to copy a course from a previous semester, follow the optional instructions below.
Note: You can also use the Import/Export/Copy Components within D2L to copy content from a previous course.
- (Optional) If you would like to copy a course from a past semester into the new course site, choose Select Course to Copy.
- (Optional) Choose the course you want to copy and select the checkbox (located to the left of the course name and term). Select the Confirm button.
- (Optional) If you would like to copy a course from a past semester into the new course site, choose Select Course to Copy.
- Select Build to complete the process.
- The next screen provides confirmation. Select the course name to go directly to the course site. Students will be enrolled in 2 - 3 hours.
NOTE: Course sites are automatically activated 7 days before the start date, at around noon. If you build our course within 7 days of the start date, it will be active immediately.
2. Modify: Remove a Section from Existing Course Site
Remove a section from a course site.
Note: Removing all sections will delete the course site and unenroll all students and the instructor/s.
- Go to
- Scroll down to the Instructor Resources Brightspace area.
- Select Course Site Request Tool (CSR).
- Login with your UA NetID and password.
- Select Add/remove sections from a course site.
- Select the correct Term from the dropdown menu.
- Select the trash can icon corresponding to the section you want to remove (located to the far right).
- Confirm that you want to remove the section by choosing Confirm.
3. Modify: Add a Section to a Course Site
Add a section to an existing course site.
- Go to
- Scroll down to the Instructor Resources Brightspace area.
- Select Course Site Request Tool (CSR).
- Login with your UA NetID and password.
- Select Add/remove sections from a course site.
- Select the correct Term from the dropdown menu.
- Select the Plus sign (green) next to the course name (located to the far right of the course name).
- Select the section to add by choosing the checkbox (located to the left of the course name and number).
- Select Add.
4. Modify: Delete a Course Site, Remove from Homepage
Remove an existing D2L course site from your D2L homepage.
Note: Removing all sections will delete the course site and unenroll all students and the instructor/s.
- Remove all the sections from a course site using the steps on the Remove a Section from Existing Course Site section of this page (above).
5. Request: Development Site or Non-Term Site
Request a site for learning D2L and course development (Development site) or non-credit bearing activities (Non-Term site).
- Go to
- Scroll down to the Instructor Resources Brightspace.
- Select Course Site Request Tool (CSR).
- Login with your UA NetID and password.
- Select Request a Playspace, Development, or Non-term site (non-credit bearing).
- Choose whether to enroll students.
Note: Students may be added to Non-Term sites with the role of Student Extra Enroll. This role has the same permissions as Student, but participants do not earn credit. Students are rarely enrolled in Playspaces or Development sites.
- If No: Continue to Step 7.
- If Yes:
- Select whether all participants have NetIDs.
- If not all participants have NetIDs, contact D2L Consulting for information about a D2L Community site.
- Read and accept the course site agreement.
- Enter the Course Site Name.
- Select your Department.
- Select Submit.