Instructors: Zoom FAQ

Who has access to Zoom?

Under the Zoom campus license all faculty, staff, and students will have access to use Zoom for free. If you have a UA NetID credential then you will have access to Zoom.

Can I access and use Zoom outside of D2L?

Yes, you can access and use Zoom outside of D2L by going to and clicking the Sign In button and signing in with your UA NetID and password

Is my UA Zoom account a basic or Pro account?

All UA Zoom accounts under the campus license will be Pro accounts. 

What if I previously had a Zoom account associated with my UA email address? 

Your existing Zoom account associated with your UA email address will be rolled into the campus license. If you as and individual or a department previously paid for a Pro license then the UA Zoom team will work on contacting and assisting you with the transition. 

What is the meeting capacity for a UA Zoom account?

The meeting capacity for all UA Zoom account users is 500 participants. 

Is there a time restriction on how long a meeting can last?

No, there are no time restrictions on the length of meetings. It is unlimited time length on meetings.

What if I would like to host a webinar instead of a regular Zoom meeting?

With our campus license we have access to 100 webinar rooms that have a capacity of 500 users each. To request a webinar room please email

What if I am doing a webinar and need a capacity above 500 users?

Email and we can work with you on options. Our campus account has very limited number of licenses for webinars above 500 participants so we can recommend some other options such as streaming your webinar via Panopto or Facebook Live to cover the overflow of participants that can't get into a meeting because it is full. 

How long will my cloud recordings stay in the cloud? 

The limit for the lifespan of a Zoom recording stored in the cloud is 130 days and then it will be deleted. There is an integration with Panopto where all of your Zoom cloud recordings are automatically getting copied to a specific Panopto folder. So even after the 130 days you will have a copy of all of your Zoom cloud recordings that exist in Panopto.