Instructor: Viewing Grades

1. Manage: Control How You View Grades

Control whether you see points, percentages, or letter grades in the Grades tool.

  1. Select Grades.Imageof navigation bar with grades link circled
  2. Select Settings. Settings link in Grades circled in red.


  3. By default, you land on the Personal Display Options tab, which offers options for your own view of grades.
  4. Under Grade Details, check the appropriate boxes: Points, Grade Symbol (either Percentage or Letter Grade depending on your Grade Scheme), and/or Grade Scheme Color.Image of Personal Display options page in grades settings with grade details checkboxes circled


  5. Select Save.
  6. Select Close.

2.  Manage: Control How Students View Grades

Control whether students see points, percentages, or letter grades in the Grades tool.

  1. Select Grades.Image of course navigation bar with Grades circled
  2. Select Settings.Settings link in Grades circled in red.
  3. Select the Class Display Options tab.Image of Persona Display Otpions page with the Class Display options tab circled
  4. Under Grade Details, check the appropriate boxes: Points, Grade Symbol (either Percentage or Letter Grade depending on your Grade Scheme), and/or Grade Scheme Color.Image of class display options with the checkboxes under grade details circled


  5. Select Save.
  6. Select Close.

3. View:  See Grades as a Student

View grades as a particular student in your course.

The Instructor view of Grades is not the same as the student view of Grades. An instructor can view Grades from an individual student’s perspective by following the steps below:

  1. Select Grades from the Navbar.Image of nav bar with grades circled
  2. Make sure you are in the Enter Grades view.Grades with the manage grades tab circled at top left


  3. Locate the student for which you want to view grades, and select the inverted triangle to the right of their name.
  4. Select Preview. Context menu for a student selected, Preview option circled in red.


  5. The result is that student’s view of their grades when they select Grades from the Navbar.screen shot of the student view of grades



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