1. Assess: Enter grades for an item
Enter grades in the Grades tool.
Note: If a Grade Item is connected to an assignment, discussion, or quiz you can grade it within that tool.
- Select Grades.
- Select the down arrow next to the Grade Item you want to assess.
- Select Enter Grades.
- In the Grade column, enter a grade for each student.
- Select the pencil icon under Feedback to add any comments you have for the student.
- Select Save and Close when finished.
2. Assess: Grade All Students
Enter or clear grades for more than one student at a time.
Note: If a Grade Item is connected to an assignment, discussion, or quiz you will see an icon in the Assessment or Submission column for each student who has submitted. You can use this information and the steps below to grade all students with submissions.
- Select Grades.
- Select the down arrow next to the Grade Item you want to assess.
- Select Enter Grades.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page, and select 200 per page from the dropdown menu (bottom right).
- Select the checkbox at the top left to select all students on the page.
- Select Set Grades to assign one grade/feedback to all students, OR
- Select Clear Grades to erase grades/feedback for all students
- Select Set Grades to assign one grade/feedback to all students, OR
- Save and Close when finished.
3. Assess: Exempt Students from Grades
Exempt some students from a Grade Item, or exclude a Grade Item for all students.
To exempt specific students from a Grade Item:
- Select Grades.
- Select the down arrow next to the Grade Item you want to assess.
- Select Enter Grades.
- Check the box to the left of each student you want to exempt.
- Select Exempt - the Scheme column will change to Exempt for selected students.
- Save and Close.
To exclude an entire Grade Item from the Final Calculated Grade:
- Select Grades in the Navbar.
- Select the Grade Item you want to exclude.
- Scroll down and check the box under Exclude from Final Grade Calculation. This box is only available in a Points Grade System - if you're using a Weighted Grade System, this box is not an option.
- Save and Close.
4. Visibility: Filter Students While Grading
Show only students from a specific group or section.
- Select Grades from the Navbar.
- Select the down arrow next to the Grade Item you want to assess.
- Select Enter Grades.
- In the View By: dropdown menu, select Groups or Sections.
- Select Apply.
- Select the Group or Section you want to view in the adjacent dropdown menu.
- Select Apply.