Why is the Panopto video blurry or of low playback quality?
This generally occurs due to poor bandwith, which may be caused by a variety of issues. The simplest solution is to use the podcast feed, which downloads each episode to the viewer's computer for playback off your hard drive or mobile device.
Why can't I see my Panopto class folder when I log into Panopto?
To see one's class recordings, one has to log in to the Learning Management System (D2L) through which access to the recordings is restricted. If the course is a D2L course, the user must log in to D2L, navigate to the Panopto link in the course, and click the link to see his/her classes restricted to D2L logins. Each login method allows access to the content restricted to that login method.
Why do I get an error message when attempting to record, even after I downloaded the latest recorder?
Why does the video skip and stutter in my recordings?
Why is my computer slow when I am recording and when I run a PowerPoint presentation it makes it worse?
The user's computer has to meet minimum requirements: preferably an i3 processor, 2GB RAM, and enough hard drive space to record video. Windows machines must also have Windows Media Player v.11 or better installed, to be able to encode video.
Who do I contact for support on Audio/Video issues during the Panopto recording process?
Always double check to make sure you have chosen High Recording Quality under settings. For help, please contact UCATT D2L Consulting and InTech.
Why won't my recordings upload to the server?
Pick the folder before starting to record for automatic upload. Otherwise, choose folder and upload manually after recording. Contact UCATT D2L Consulting and InTech for access and training on uploading files.
How can I have my students record lectures and submit them to me through Panopto?
Turn on the Assignment feature. Students may need help checking their system configurations to upload files. For assistance, please contact UCATT D2L Consulting and InTech.