There are three menus in D2L that allow you to customize your experience.
1. Create: Your profile
Create a user profile that can be viewed by other D2L users.
Your D2L Profile allows you to share more information about yourself with other people in D2L. Your profile can be seen by anyone that is enrolled in the same D2L course sites as you. This includes all students and members of the course's teaching team. It is in the profile that you can upload an image of yourself.
- Select your name, located at the top right, and select Profile.
- To add a picture, or change an existing picture, click the Change Picture button.
- To remove a picture, click the Delete icon.
- Enter any information you'd like to share about yourself, including the pronouns that you wish to display in your profile:
- Select Save and Close.
2. Customize: Your notifications
Control how you receive notifications about activity in your courses.
You can choose which email address should receive notifications, add a phone number for SMS notifications, exclude courses, or update the frequency of notifications.
- Select your name, located at the top right, and select Notifications.
- To change your email address:
- Select Change your email settings.
- Select Use custom email.
- Enter the desired email address and select Save.
- To add a phone number:
- Select Register your mobile link.
- Select your country and mobile carrier.
- Enter your mobile phone number (numbers only), then select Save.
- Once you have saved your cell phone number, a confirmation code will be sent to your cell phone. Enter the Confirmation Code.
- Select Confirm.
- Use the How often? drop down menu to select whether to receive individual notifications of course activity or daily summaries.
- Use the choices under Instant Notifications to select which course activities you'd like to receive immediate notifications for and which method - email or text message.
- You may choose which courses you do not want to receive notifications for. To do so:
- Select Manage my course exclusions.
- Select the X to the right of the course you want to stop notifications for.
- If you want to stop notifications for all of your courses, select Exclude All Courses.
- To restore notifications for courses that you have previously stopped notifications, select Restore excluded courses.
- Select Close when finished.
- Select Manage my course exclusions.
Note: D2L Notifications are auto-generated by dates and not sent directly by Instructors. If you experience a significant delay sending or receiving notifications, please contact D2L Support.
3. Customize: Your account settings
Edit your personal settings in D2L, such as pronouns, fonts, time, and number formats, for all courses.
- Select your name, located at the top of your D2L My Home screen, and select Account Settings.
- Select the tab for the settings you'd like to change: Account Settings, Discussions, or Email.
- Account Settings. While there are several settings listed under Account Settings that you can manage, we recommend changing ONLY the following settings:
- Pronoun settings - Allows you to set your pronouns the way you would like them to appear in the Classlist or on your profile card.
In the Classlist, this will appear as:
- Font Settings - Allows you to change the default font face and size that you see throughout D2L.
- Reading Content is used to stop automatically marking items as read for those using assistive technology such as screen readers.
- Video Settings are used to enhance your D2L experience if you routinely use assistive technologies (ie: screen readers, screen magnifiers, voice software) while working in D2L.
- Locale & Language are settings designed to accommodate users around the world.
- The Clock setting can be change to a 12-hour or 24-hour display.
- The First Day of the Week can be set to a user's preference.
- The Date display can also be set to a user's preference.
- The Number Format and Percentage Format can also be set to display in various formats.
- Time Zone allows you to set your personal D2L view according to your personal time zone.
- Signing In allows you to adjust your online status according to whether you wish people to see your online status or not.
Note: Setting Time Zone within your personal Account Settings will not affect the course as a whole.
- Pronoun settings - Allows you to set your pronouns the way you would like them to appear in the Classlist or on your profile card.
- Discussions. These settings control your views and posts in the Discussion tool. They can also be updated within courses.
- Email. All email sent from within D2L is forwarded out to University email accounts, but there are some settings you can manage in D2L. You can set up a signature for your emails and whether you want to keep a copy of your sent emails or not.