Assess Discussions

1. Assess Topics

Assess students' posts by a specific Discussion Topic.

  1. On the Discussions page, click the down arrow next to the name of the Discussion Topic you want to assess, and select Assess Topic.Select Assess Topic on Discussions page


  2. Click on the Topic Score link beneath the student's name to view all messages composed and replies written by that specific student.Topic Score Link to access a student's Discussion posts
  3. On the next screen, you will see all of the posts (i.e., threads and replies) a student has made within this Discussion Topic.All of a student's discussion posts and replies will be listed on the evaluation page
  4. Enter a score in the Overall Grade field (panel on the right side of the screen).Type a score in the Overall Grade field
  5. If you have attached a Rubric to this Topic, it will appear under the Rubrics heading (right side of the screen). Click on the Rubric to expand it and click the appropriate levels for each criteria to assign a grade. The Overall Grade will populate automatically once the Rubric is complete.Click the Rubric to expand, select the appropriate levels for the students' score, overall grade will update automatically
  6. Leave any comments you have for the student in the Overall Feedback field (only this student will be able to see this feedback.)
  7. Click Publish to make the feedback available immediately, or click Save Draft if you'd like to wait to publish all feedback later.Click Publish to show grades immediately or click Save as Draft to save and publish later



2. Publishing and Retracting Scores

Publish or retract all scores for a particular Discussion Topic at once.

If you have connected a Discussion Topic to an item in Grades, you may publish all scores for a Topic:

  1. Click the down arrow next to the name of the Discussion Topic you'd like to assess, and select Assess Topic.Select Assess Topic on Discussions page
  2. If you want to publish all scores, click the Publish All Feedback button (top left of the page).Click Publish All Feedback button to publish all scores and feedback
  3. If you want to select which scores to publish, check the boxes next to each student and click Publish Feedback.Select specific scores to publish using the checkboxes and click Publish Feedback
  4. A pop-up confirmation window will appear. Click Yes to confirm you want to publish scores.
  5. Note that the Status column will now list "Published" and a timestamp for each score that was published.Status column will read as "Published" once scores are published


You may also retract scores that have been published:

  1. Click the Retract All Feedback button at the top of the page.Click Retract All Feedback button to retract all scores
  2. A pop-up confirmation window will appear.Click the Yes button to confirm you want to retract scores.
  3. Note that Status column will now list "Draft" and a timestamp showing when the grades were last saved.Status column will read as Draft and include a timestamp of when scores were last saved

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