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1. Visibility: Granting Special Access to Assignments

To assign different availability dates and times to specified participants. 

To add Special Access to a submission folder:

  1. Click the Assignments tool on navbar.
  2. Click the drop-down arrow to the right of the folder you want to make changes to and select Edit Assignment.image of edit submission folder
  3. Select Availability Dates & Conditions to open it. 
  4. Select Manage Special AccessShows the Availability Dates & Conditions menu, with Manage Special Access circled in red.


  5. Select Add Users to Special AccessManage Special Access menu with Add Users to Special Access button circled in red.


  6. Under Properties, add special dates as needed:
    • Select Has Start Date to allow students to submit after entered date.
    • Select Has End Date to not allow students to keep submitting after entered date.
    • Select Has Due Date to allow students to keep submitting after entered date, but flagged as late. Shows the special access date options described above.


  7. Under Users, search and select the student you want to give special access to. Shows a student (Happy Student) selected via checkbox on the Special Access Users screen.


  8. Select the Save button.

2. Visibility: Gatekeeping Assignment Access

To restrict Submission Folders based on section/group enrollments or other conditions.

To create a new Release Condition:

  1. Select the Assignments tab on your course navbar.
  2. Select the drop-down arrow to the right of the folder you want to make changes to and select Edit Assignment.image of edit submission folder
  3. Select Availability Dates & Conditions to open it. 
  4. Under Release Conditions, select Add Release ConditionShows the Availability Dates & Conditions menu, with Add Release Condition circled in red.


  5. Select Create New if making a new condition. (If Add Existing, you can skip the rest of the steps below.)
  6. Click the Condition Type drop down menu. 
  7. Under the Classlist Category, select either Group enrollment, OR, Section enrollment, OR, other area(s) to restrict the Assignment Folder by, for instance a Quiz Attempt.image of condition type dropdown menu in release condtion
  8. For Group enrollment, select the Group you wish to restrict the folder to.
  9. Click Create button.image of create button for saving release condition enrollment choice


  10. Click Save and Close to save. Shows an assignment edit screen with release condition set, with Save and Close circled in red.



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