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1. Visibility: Granting Special Access to Assignments
To assign different availability dates and times to specified participants.
To add Special Access to a submission folder:
- Click the Assignments tool on navbar.
- Click the drop-down arrow to the right of the folder you want to make changes to and select Edit Assignment.
- Select Availability Dates & Conditions to open it.
- Select Manage Special Access.
- Select Add Users to Special Access.
- Under Properties, add special dates as needed:
- Select Has Start Date to allow students to submit after entered date.
- Select Has End Date to not allow students to keep submitting after entered date.
- Select Has Due Date to allow students to keep submitting after entered date, but flagged as late.
- Under Users, search and select the student you want to give special access to.
- Select the Save button.
2. Visibility: Gatekeeping Assignment Access
To restrict Submission Folders based on section/group enrollments or other conditions.
To create a new Release Condition:
- Select the Assignments tab on your course navbar.
- Select the drop-down arrow to the right of the folder you want to make changes to and select Edit Assignment.
- Select Availability Dates & Conditions to open it.
- Under Release Conditions, select Add Release Condition.
- Select Create New if making a new condition. (If Add Existing, you can skip the rest of the steps below.)
- Click the Condition Type drop down menu.
- Under the Classlist Category, select either Group enrollment, OR, Section enrollment, OR, other area(s) to restrict the Assignment Folder by, for instance a Quiz Attempt.
- For Group enrollment, select the Group you wish to restrict the folder to.
- Click Create button.
- Click Save and Close to save.