Assess Assignments with Rubrics

1. Attach: Existing Rubric to Assignment 

Attach a Rubric previously created in D2L to an Assignment.

  1. On the Assignment page, click on the down-arrow to the right of the assignment where you want to attach a Rubric and select Edit Assignment.
  2. Select Evaluation & Feedback.
  3. Select Add rubricEvaluation & Feedback section with the Add rubric option circled in red.


  4. Select Add Existing. 
  5. A pop-up window that lists your available Rubrics will appear. Check the box to the left of the Rubric(s) you want to attach and click Add Selected (scroll down if you don't see this option). List of rubrics, with Add Selected button circled in red.


  6. You will return to the Edit Assignment page where you will see the name of the selected Rubric under the Add Rubric button. If you want to remove the Rubric, click on the X to the right of the Rubric name. Red arrow points to the x used to delete rubric from assignment.


  7. Save and Close when complete.



2. Create: New Rubric in Assignment 

Create and attach a new Rubric to an Assignment.

  1. On the Assignment page, click on the down-arrow to the right of the assignment where you want to attach a Rubric and select Edit Assignment.
  2. Select Evaluation & Feedback.
  3. Select Add rubricEvaluation & Feedback section with the Add rubric option circled in red.


  4. Select Create New. 
  5. A new rubric will open. Follow the steps to create a new analytic rubric. When finished, select Attach Rubric.
  6. Save and Close when complete.



3. Assess: Assignments with Rubric

Use a rubric created in D2L to assess assignments. 

  1. Click the Assignments tab on your course navbar.
  2. Click the name of the Assignment you would like to leave feedback/score for.
  3. Find the student to leave feedback and/or a grade for and click the Evaluate link to the right of the student's name. Evaluate button circled in the Assignment folder.


  4. Click the name of the rubric you will be using to assess the submission. Circled Rubric name to be selected.


  5.  Based on the student's work, make the desired selections for each criteria.  Add additional feedback for each Criterion as needed.  You will see the points assigned for each Criterion and Total Score tally at the top.
     screenshot of the rubric scoring tool with the level for two criterion showing as well as the total score.

    NOTE:  You must score every criterion in your rubric before you can publish the assignment feedback. If your assignment score is not being published to the associated grade item, check to see that all criteria in the rubric have a level selected and points assigned.

  6. If the maximum points for your assignment exceed the maximum points for your Rubric, D2L will "do the math" and update the points for the assignment. screenshot showing the points for the rubric which are 18 out of 30 being updated to match the assignment points which calculates to 60 out of 100


  7. Click the Publish button to make the feedback and grade immediately available to the student. Or, click the Save Draft button to save your work without releasing it to the student.


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