D2L Community: Integrations

D2L Community allows access to several third-party tools.

1. Create: Online Meetings

Create an online meeting with Zoom video conferencing tools.

You are limited to having 200 total people in your Zoom meeting. This includes both participants and facilitators. The person creating the meeting must have a UA NetID.

  1. Create a meeting using the instructions in sections 1 and 2 of this UA D2L Help page.
  2. Copy and paste the URL for the meeting into your course site using section 3 of the above help page.

NOTE: To enter this meeting as the host you will go to the UA Zoom Meeting site and log in with your NetID. Select the Meeting link then select the Start button to the right of the Meeting topic and Meeting ID.


2. Create and Distribute: Streaming Video

Create and upload video for your course content using Panopto tools.

The person creating the Video stream must have a UA NetID. Please keep in mind you have no Fair Use exemption as your participants are not matriculated students.

  1. Go to UA Panopto site.
  2. Choose UA NetID.
  3. Log in with your UA NetID. This creates your account in Panopto.
  4. Email Josh Butcher and request "Creator Rights on your Panopto Folder." (A folder that is not connected to a course in the Schedule of Classes is considered a personal folder.)
  5. Log back into Panopto and locate your folder.
  6. Select the Share Icon and set the folder to Anyone With the Link.
  7. Use the Create button to upload an MP4 file you already have or use the Create button to download the recorder and create something.
  8. Once the file is uploaded, mouse over the title and find the share URL.
  9. Copy and paste this into D2L Content.
    (Go to your D2L Content area and click into the Module you want this to be in and choose New, Create a Link.)

Note: For help with Panopto, refer to their support documents and videos.


3. Create: Course Surveys

Create surveys for your course using Qualtric tools.

The person creating the survey must have a UA NetID.

  1. Go to Qualtrics web site and log in with your UA NetID.
  2. Once you have created your Project/Survey go to Distribution.
  3. Choose Anonymous Link and copy it.
  4. Copy and paste this link into D2L Content.
    1. Go to your D2L Content area.
    2. Select the Module in which you'll use the survey.
    3. Choose New, Create a Link.)

Note: To find out the results of the survey you will return to the Qualtrics site and log in with your NetID. Use the Data and Analysis area to obtain your data. Qualtrics has a much better data export than D2L Surveys or D2L Quizzes, but there is no automatic way to move the results of the Qualtrics survey to a D2L Gradebook.


4. Create: Audiovisual Discussions

Use VoiceThread to create rich and engaging audiovisual discussions among the course participants.

  1. Choose the module in which you want to include your VoiceThread.
  2. Select Add Existing Activity.
  3. Choose External Learning Tools.
  4. Choose VoiceThread.
  5. You and your participants will now click through the link on the D2L Content page to access Voicethread.

Note: Find comprehensive help for Voice Thread on this UA Digital Learning help page. You may also contact the InTech team for more in-depth help at 520-621-9462. The D2L Consulting team is unable to provide support for VoiceThread.


5. Include: PlayPosit Interactions

PlayPosit allows you to add engaging interactions to your existing videos.

PlayPosit takes the passive experience of simply watching a video, and adds active learning components to make the same video an interactive and engaging experience. Instructors can use videos on streaming services like Panopto, Youtube, or Vimeo, and add points of interaction such as multiple choice or true/false questions, reflective pauses, polls, discussions, and more. This gives students an opportunity to engage with the video, while reflecting on the knowledge gained from the lesson.

Note: Find comprehensive help for PlayPosit on this UA Digital Learning help page. You may also contact the InTech team for more in-depth help at 520-621-9462. The D2L Consulting team is unable to provide support for PlayPosit.


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